Thursday, May 28, 2009

PB Wiki - Yum

I see that I have three followers. Hopefully I can make this blog something worth reading!

This post will be shorter than my last one. I don' t have as much to say about PB Wiki. Accessing and typing into the post was the easy part. I had more difficult coming up with the six reasons to love my library:) Even though I felt frustrated because I couldn't come up with a simple list, I ended up learning why PB Wiki is a useful collaborative tool. I looked at other people's additions to the post and got some ideas from them. Brilliant!

I had some difficult using there editing tools though. I wanted to make my post look like the others, but it took too long. PB wiki didn't have a way to copy and paste text. I'm used to selecting text and then right-clicking to cut/copy/paste. It took me a while to get used to using the "Edit" menu.

One digression, I really like how Blogger auto saves this post as a draft every few minutes as I type. Blogger makes it difficult to lose text- yay.

Anyway, the only other major thing that I learned about PB Wiki- after I completed my post, by the way- is that only one person can access/ edit the post at the same time. My co-worker told me about this after I commented that I got a message during one editing session about someone else who was accessing the post at the same time I was, so I couldn't get through to edit my part. I hit yes to, in essence, kick the other person off of the site. When I found out why the message popped up and what I did to the other user, I felt bad. I didn't mean to kick the person off, all I wanted to do was get rid of some extra blank lines to make my post take up less space. Oopps. Now I know in case I ever use PB Wiki at another time.

A recurring theme so far is that I'm making these exercises more complicated than they need to be since I feel pressure to do a good job and represent myself as a competent person. The drawback is that I'm taking up too much time and stressing out too much over this endeavor. Next week, I resolve to relax and manage my time better.

I'm looking forward to next week.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Delicious RSS

I’m such a bad worker. My time management skills are horrible. Instead of adding my reaction to 23 Things last week, I used time from last week time to edit my profile and add a picture. Now you see what my work priorites are:).

Better late than never, I suppose.

I decided to subscribe to the RSS feeds without watching the video clip beforehand, which was a mistake. I thought that I could figure out how to start with RSS by just going through the steps. I ended up having to go back and look at the information anyway, which took more time. So I learned a lesson: always take advantage of the materials that are available on the “23 Things” blog.

Now on to the process: first I subscribed to a few librarian blogs using Internet Explorer, which was a simple process. I felt a little worried at first because the steps were different what I had learned; with IE, you don’t have to copy and paste the blog URL somewhere or deal with embedded code. When I went back to check them the next day, the feeds were not on the computer. Instead of finding the same blogs and signing up again, I used the information from the video clip and signed up for a Bloglines account. I like how the feeds and the corresponding text are organized on the page; it’s easy to find the information. Even better, since I share my computer with co-workers, the websites that I follow can remain private unless I keep keep my account up and running.

Onto Delicious: I’ve always wanted to try it, so I was excited about getting the chance to use it.
The sign-up process was more detailed than I thought it would be though, and I felt a bit overwelmed by the end of it. I also felt a little nervous during step three when it asked you to install a Delicious toolbar. We tell patrons not to install programs on the public computers and I abide by that same idea. I did not feel comfortable installing anything on my staff computer even though I’m positive that the information is not harmful to the computer in any way. I just don’t want to leave a trace of my activities on a computer that I share with others. I had fun adding links, descriptions, and tags to my account. Unlike some people, I found writing the website descriptions harder than creating tags.

Overall, I can see how useful these features can be for people who visit many sites andneed an organizational took to process all of the information from those sites. I however, visit about six sites on a regular basis, so I don’t think that I need to use Delicious or a feed reader right now. It serves as a good learning experience for me though. Any kind of practice is good for me.

P.S. – another goal for this blog: I need to stop using “I” so much!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Reaction to 23 Things

I've been working up the nerve to create a blog for a while now. I'm glad that the opportunity to participate in 23 Things came about since I feel more comfortable using a blog for work purposes rather than personal ones since I am a somewhat private person.

As for my reactions to 23 Things thus far, it's already challenged me by expanding my limits of comfort, which is good. I still feel uncomfortable writing about myself, but hopefully, it will get easier each week with practice.

I have a comment about the process for setting up this Blogger account: the part about entering an email address was confusing. From the front page, it seemed as if you needed to have a Gmail account to use it or create a Gmail account, but I entered a non-Gmail address into the first "blog set-up" box and Blogger accepted it. Everything else has been easy to follow!

After 23 Things is over, I hope to continue adding to this blog and integrate it into the library as an additional source of information for our patrons.